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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Effects of Technology in Society Free Essays
Innovation has computerized a large number of the basic procedures in the business also the family unit. The electronic devices that have entered the homes of the normal man have spared him the day by day family unit work. Our reality is ever changing a progressing in the domain of science and innovation. We will compose a custom article test on Impacts of Technology in Society or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now Our fantasies become foundations for what's to come. Nowadays it appears to be difficult to get away from the nearness of innovation. A significant number of us rely upon it to get us as the day progressed, to carry out our responsibility, to get around, and to discover certain things. While innovation has brought us so far, might it be able to in reality be ruining us in different ways? What happens when these equivalent advancements we so rely upon come up short? Could most types of innovation simply be interferences, methods of moving us further away from one another? Could Technology cause a type of detachment? We are confronted with these inquiries consistently, regardless of whether we understand it or not. Think about the days when there were no PCs and no cutting edge methods for transport. Human life was exceptionally limited because of the inaccessibility of mechanical applications. Day by day life included a ton of physical action. The life of the normal man of those occasions was not as extravagant as that of the cutting edge times, yet he was increasingly dynamic. Every day practice was incorporated in the routine physical exercises. It was in opposition to the way of life of today, which conveys no schedule opening for thorough exercise and conveys laze and dormancy. Think about the days when there were no online delegates, no messages and no phones. In reality the cell innovation made the supernatural occurrence of empowering correspondence over the remote media. The correspondence offices gave by the Internet did some incredible things in speeding significant distance correspondence yet in addition denied humankind of the glow of individual contact. Messages supplanted manually written letters and correspondence lost its own touch. With the methods for correspondence accessible a couple of snaps away, the inclination of going to considerable lengths to arrive at the friends and family has evaporated. Times have seen this industry develop from mechanical bikes to mechanized airplanes. Creatures were the main methods of transportation in day pass. Innovation was the main impetus behind the creation and structure of the cutting edge vehicles. Bikes advanced into bikes and sports bicycles. Having four-wheeled methods of transportation offered ascend to the formation of vehicles. Methods of air and water came up, gratitude to innovation. Machines have computerized a significant number of the essential modern procedures. Machines are currently taking up a large number of the unremarkable employments that were once executed by human laborers. One of the most significant forward leaps for innovation was the rural framework. The agrarian framework was the reason for the innovation of things to come. The rural framework welcomed on the requirement for transportation, laborers and even, fights over land. The requirement for transportation carried vehicles into the market. The requirement for workers brought mechanical robots into society. Fights over land welcomed on the requirement for refined weapons. The horticultural framework welcomed on an upset. The creation of the TV can bring media and different types of amusement into your home with video and sound joined. Prior to 1950, papers and radio were the main approaches to bring media or diversion into the house. Large scale manufacturing and other openings for work brought numerous individuals from suburbia and ranches into the city. We would now be able to have types of power coordinated into our homes for warming and light. People are more dependent on innovation than any other time in recent memory. These innovative advances sound extraordinary; nonetheless, there is a negative impact to this innovation. Innovation can serve to really hurt people as opposed to support them. Rivalry between organizations or even urban areas can at times aggravate lives for people even. Take for instance when a city manufactures better and more streets to draw in travelers. This really makes more traffic, not less. Innovation additionally changes our feeling of basic reason. New developments, for example, the PC and machines can change our ways of life. Indeed, even things we underestimate, for example, the vehicle effectsly affect innovation. The oil required for a vehicle to run should be imported and now and again mishaps, for example, the Exxon Valdez occurrence spills numerous gallons of oil into the sea. These models show how innovation effectsly affects society. To begin with, rivalry can prompt a negative impact of innovation. At the point when an organization in the U. S. produces shoes and an organization in Great Britain produces shoes too, they should battle for their piece of the pie. Let’s state the organization in Great Britain buys more machines that will lessen the measure of laborers required and improve yield, and afterward they can decrease the cost of their item. On the off chance that the organization in New York doesn’t emulate their example, at that point they could be constrained bankrupt. For this situation the organization is constrained into purchasing the machines to make sure they can remain in business. This negatively affects the representatives who will be supplanted by the new machines. At the point when a city needs to draw in visitors by building better streets to diminish traffic there is an error since this will just make more traffic since there will be more individuals needing to travel these streets. McManus says the powerlessness to see what's to come is answerable for the negative impacts of new advancements. He additionally states better streets cause more traffic blockage, not less. By making better streets, more individuals will need to travel these streets (A-1). On the off chance that New York City assembled another advanced interstate to pull in more visitors then increasingly New Yorkers will need to travel these streets too. Numerous New Yorkers who recently utilized mass travel to make a trip to work will presently need to utilize a vehicle to make a trip to work. In actuality there will be more traffic and more contamination. There will be opposite reactions also. Land estimations of regions close to the thruway could go down. Rivalry can help a network in one viewpoint anyway it can hurt it too. Rivalry can straightforwardly invigorate the economy; be that as it may, long haul impacts, for example, contamination and the loss of employments could clarify why the City of New York doesn’t complete an undertaking this way. Second, innovation can change our feeling of regular reason. For many years, humankind has been accustomed to thoroughly taking care of themselves. For quite a while peoples’ principle concerns were endurance. To endure intends to go out into the forested areas or timberlands and shoot creatures for the food which the family needs to eat for the afternoon. Individuals of present day society never consider chasing for food or garments. Presently, it is totally brought to individuals in a flash through another standard of endurance. The new standard for endurance implies bringing in cash to go to a shopping center or grocery store and getting everything a family needs. A family can get food and attire at these spots while never going into a woodland or a lake. This idea is startling. At the point when an individual from present day society goes into a grocery store and purchases a pound of fish, the individual in question doesn’t even think about the procedure that went into the appearance of that bit of fish. The person in question didn’t need to go to a lake, every one of that was required was to head to your neighborhood grocery store and get it. No fishing or chasing was fundamental. People are losing their feeling of regular reason. â€Å"But what ‘revenge effect’ will this have? The innovation opposition development starts by bringing up that we are cobbling together virtual networks while our genuine urban areas disintegrate, in any event halfway in light of the fact that our feeling of basic reason has frayed. Today, just around 5 percent of American families are on-line, yet what occurs, the pundits wonder, when a large portion of the nation is wired? Will we get away from the upsetting intricacies of the world outside our bolted entryways by selecting networks in ‘cyberspace,’ where we can appreciate the organization of individuals who share our inclinations and our perspectives? Where the boulevards never should be cleaned and you don’t need to watch out for your neighbor’s house? What occurs if the alarms outside become also diverting? Will we essentially purchase protected curtains? People are getting lethargic. Nearly everything must be accomplished for them ahead of time. Notwithstanding, now and again this adjustment in way of life is constrained upon people. At the point when an organization chooses to purchase robots to carry out the responsibility that man once did, and afterward the human is constrained into either getting terminated or watching the machine throughout the day. Ideally people won't become acclimated to viewing a robot accomplish all the work for them. Innovation has certainly changed the way of life and regular reason for some people. End All in all, general public has as of late observed the negative impacts of society. Rivalry among urban areas and organizations has removed occupations and brought undesirable and exorbitant undertakings into pleasurable regions. An adjustment in way of life among pretty much every person is one more pessimistic impact of innovation. What has happened to individuals since general stores came to town? Individuals would prefer not to chase for food any longer. They think that its a lot simpler to stroll into a store and buy it. A third motivation behind why innovation negatively affects society is the coming of exceptionally dependent belongings, for example, the vehicle. Numerous individuals rely on heading out to work each day via vehicle. On the off chance that the vehicle was some way or another detracted from individuals, at that point there would be disarray. It is excessively late to remove it. People are excessively dependent on it. There isn't sufficient mass travel to move the entirety of the current vehicle clients. Ideally, future innovations will be completely thought of. We should take a gander at the favorable circumstances and outcomes and measure if society will profit or experience the ill effects of the innovation. Past advances weren’t completely considered and on the off chance that they were, quite possibly the car could never have gone into
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Should capital punishment be reintroduced in the UK
Should the death penalty be reintroduced in the UK The death penalty is an act of which hoodlums, when, sentenced for a genuine wrongdoing known as a capital wrongdoing are executed. The term capital starts from the Latin word capitalis, which means the head and a capital wrongdoing was initially deserving of the cutting off of the head. Despite the fact that not generally utilized, 58 nations despite everything maintain the death penalty as a sentence as indicated by Amnesty Internationals figures in December 2009, and, since 1985, more than 50 nations have abrogated the death penalty. The six primary execution techniques despite everything utilized since 2000, are; electric shock, deadly infusion, decapitating, shooting, hanging and stoning. In the U.K hanging was the favored method of executing an individual. This was seen as of straightforward and speedy arrangement and an amazingly fast procedure of biting the dust for the detainee. The death penalty in the U.K was nullified in 1969. These days the death penalty is viewed as a primitive and unfeeling sentence. The topic of whether the death penalty ought to be reintroduced has been generally discussed, contended and numerous reasons given for help and against its training. This article will give the historical backdrop of the death penalty in the U.K, and assess the contentions for and against reintroducing the death penalty to the U.K. The accompanying advances were taken to procure the data expected to finish this task: Surveys were dispersed on the nineteenth October 2010 and gathered on the 25th October 2010. Web sources were gotten to on the seventeenth, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th of October 2010. Capital disciplines annulment in the U.K William the Conqueror previously annulled the death penalty in the U.K in the eleventh Century yet this was restored by his child. A few proposition were advanced to parliament from the late 1700s however all were contradicted. During the 1800s hangings were viewed as extraordinary outings and individuals of all classes would appreciate viewing a criminal hung by the neck and would be disillusioned to see him/her kick the bucket too rapidly. From the 1800s to the 1900s numerous capital violations were diminished from capital punishment to detainment (see beneath table) and murder was the main capital wrongdoing still deserving of death. Before the Second's over World War, mentalities had changed towards tolerating the abrogation of the death penalty as individuals were worried by the holocaust of Nazi Germany. The last executions to occur in the U.K were that of two men who were hanged in Walton Gaol in Liverpool. The death penalty Abolished Remarkable Date Remarkable Event 1908 Individuals under 16 are not, at this point subject for hanging. 1922 Child murder (Mother slaughtering her youngster) is not, at this point a capital offense. 1931 Pregnant Women are no longer hanged. 1933 Individuals under 18 are not executed. Condemned to Her/his Majestys Pleasure. 1948 Place of Commons suspends the death penalty. Overruled by House of Lords. 9 March 1950 Timothy John Evans hanged at Pentonville Prison. 28 January 1953 Derek Bentley hanged at Wandsworth Prison for the homicide of P.C. Miles. 13 July 1955 Last Women hanged in U.K (Ruth Ellis at Holloway Prison). 1956 The death of Death Penalty (Abolition) Bill is toppled by Lords. 1957 Murder Act 1957 confines utilization of the death penalty. 23 July 1957 First execution under the 1957 demonstration: John Vickers. 5 November 1959 Last execution for homicide of cop: Gunther Podola. 13 August 1964 Last executions: Peter Anthony Allen Gwynne Owen Evans. 1965 The death penalty in murder cases is suspended for a long time. 1966 Timothy John Evans gets an after death pardon. 1969 The death penalty for homicide is annulled. February 1998 Mahmood Mattan gets an after death pardon. July 1998 Derek Bentley gets an after death pardon. Capital rundown. Accessible from - list.htm (got to 24th October 2010). Mps settled on May twentieth 1998, to embrace human rights arrangements, prohibiting the death penalty for homicide with the exception of times of war or fast approaching danger of war. The death penalty finished viably with the criminal equity bill on the 31st July 1998 and on the 27th January 1999, the sixth convention was marked by the home secretary officially canceling the death penalty in the U.K. Contentions for the death penalty Cost: It can be contended that the expense of keeping a criminal imprisoned is less expensive than giving them capital punishment yet this isn't the situation. Studies have demonstrated that the convoluted legitimate procedure of pre preliminary and preliminaries are hugely costly. The extra expense of keeping a prisoner to death row, when contrasted with the greatest security detainment facilities where those condemned to existence without plausibility of parole usually carry out their punishments, is $90,000 every year per detainee. With Californias current death row populace of 670, that represents $63.3 million yearly. (Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice, June 30, 2008). Accessible from punishment. (Gotten to 25th October 2010). Requital: Murderers get what they merit, discipline should fit the wrongdoing and tit for tat. This appears to be a debateable contention worldwide for some crooks to be given capital punishment as the discipline doesn't generally fit the wrongdoing for instance individuals who ambush, are not attacked and attackers who assaulted, are not assaulted. The Justice Center of the University of Alaska at Anchorage, in its site segment named The Death Penalty: Specific Issues Retribution Justice for Murder Victims, offered the accompanying: Capital punishment advocates legitimize the death penalty under the guideline of lex talionis, or tit for tat the conviction that discipline should fit the wrongdoing. Specifically, individuals who favor the death penalty contend that killers ought to be executed in retaliation for their violations and that such requital serves equity for homicide casualties and their survivors. Capital punishment rivals underline the holiness of life, contending that executing is never right whether by individual or by the state, and that equity is best served through compromise. Equity focus of the University of Alaska at Anchorage. Accessible from: (Gotten to on the 25th October 2010). Anyway there is a genuine danger of executing the guiltless and the maxim Individuals getting their equitable pastries represent a genuine downside for the requital contention. Prevention: Does capital punishment go about as an obstacle and that by executing sentenced hoodlums will hinder would be killers from slaughtering individuals. Numerous individuals accept this is right and in 2000 George W Bush expressed: I think the motivation to help capital punishment is on the grounds that it spares different people groups lives, and further that Its the main motivation to be for it. The Berkeley electronic press accessible at: Deter.pdf. (Gotten to on the 25th October 2010). Studies have neglected to give any proof that prevention works and examination has discovered that if a wrongdoing isn't pre-ruminated it is far-fetched that the criminal who most presumably at the hour of his/hers capital wrongdoing was not thinking consistently and imprudent to any outcomes that would happen later. People who submit pre reflected homicide frequently focus on getting away from any identification or conviction and along these lines the danger of discipline by death doesn't prevent them as they are persuaded they won't be gotten. John McAdams expressed: In the event that we execute killers and there is in actuality no obstacle impact, we have slaughtered a lot of killers. In the event that we neglect to execute killers, and doing so would in reality have dissuaded different homicides, we have permitted the murdering of a lot of blameless casualties. I would much rather hazard the previous. This, to me, is certifiably not an intense call. Marquette University/Department of Political Science, on prevention accessible at: (Gotten to on 24th October 2010). Anticipation of re-affronting: Those who carry out deplorable violations and are executed can't perpetrate additional wrongdoings it is said yet detainment forever doesn't really make for a quiet society either. In the U.K life detainment ordinarily implies a sentence of a base time which is set by a condemning adjudicator generally 15-20 years, the individual who perpetrated his/her wrongdoing at that point gets qualified for parole. For instance: Jon Venables subsequent to killing Jamie Bulger alongside his assistant Robert Thompson was given a sentence of only eight years. There has been an open objection about the sentence given and early this year Jon was reviewed back to care subsequent to penetrating the provisions of his discharge. Denise Bulger, Jamies mother expressed nine years back: Whenever discharged they would reoffend Meeting accessible at: page/news/2884530/jon-venables-perceived by-a-localhtm. (Gotten to on the 25th October 2010). Contentions against the death penalty Wrongly sentenced: DNA testing has opened a huge window into a people guarantee of honesty and has truly changed the equity framework. Individuals have been spurred by outer impacts to admit or admit to a homicide that they didnt submit just to be absolved potentially years after the fact. On account of Frank Sterling, a New York truck driver indicted on an admission that he gave in 1992 that he had choked a multi year old young lady. Straight to the point served 19 years in prison just to be liberated not long ago with the assistance of the blamelessness venture when DNA demonstrated that he in certainty didn't kill her and another detainee Mark Christie had. Picture 12 Frank Sterling Freed After DNA demonstrates His InnocenceFrank Sterling Picture accessible at: http://www.genpop-organization/2010/04frank-authentic liberated after-dna-demonstrates hiinnocence/(Accessed seventeenth October 2010). There is adequate proof now that demonstrates there are and have been blunders and imperfections all through the lawful framework, Frank Sterling is only one of incalculable quantities of individuals who are guiltless. It is additionally unavoidable that guiltless individuals
Saturday, August 22, 2020
BP Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
BP Portfolio - Essay Example In the following segment, the examination will reveal insight into issues in regards to sorts of individuals that are significant for the association, issues being looked by representatives in British Petroleum (BP) while haggling with others, assessing effect of referenced clash on authoritative achievement and proposals for tending to individuals driven clash circumstance in BP. As indicated by Huczynski and Buchanan (2010) and Fuller and Marler (2009), hierarchical adequacy relies intensely upon its capacity to oversee execution, work mentality and individual qualities of representatives. Fuller and Marler (2009) contended that neither do individuals in the association perform similarly well nor are they considered as similarly significant, because of distinction in expertise and competency level. Mullins and Christy (2013) likewise upheld the way that character and work disposition of people need to coordinate with execution desire and vision proclamation of the association so as to order those people as significant. ... As per Schuster’s (2012) report [Helmut Schuster is Group HR Director in BP], human asset branch of BP follows five stage model to choose human capital who can give significant and important commitment to business accomplishment of the organization. These five stages can be characterized as, 1-drawing in best worldwide ability through rigid capability measures, 2-giving preparing and creating expertise competency among initiates, 3-conveying various progression wanting to guarantee consistent gracefully of ability pool, 4-dealing with the inspiration of people through straightforward execution based prize framework and 5-connecting with workers in information sharing and comprehensive hierarchical culture so as to upgrade their commitment level. BP needs certain range of abilities from the recruited, for example, solid scholarly foundation, capacity to get a handle on specialized and cross-practical information adequately, capacity to settle on choices in unexpected and basic circumstance, planning and speaking with different individuals while working in group and capacity to convey execution in a reliable way (Schuster, 2012). According to the ability necessities of BP, three kinds of individuals might be best for the association. Type 1-this arrangement of individuals can be delegated aspirer or people, who join BP for accomplishing materialistic targets (British Petroleum, 2012). These arrangement of individuals are prepared to follow business goals and execution of codes of British Petroleum, in non-reluctant way, for accomplishing high vocation development. As inspiration of these workers is driven by money related result and profession development, subsequently it gets hard for British Petroleum to hold commitment level of these individuals in manageable way. Type 2-this arrangement of
Case Study of Negligence Free Essays
Obligation of care Issue: Does litigant (David or the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery) claimed obligation of care to offended party (Tony)? Rules: * The neighbor rule: In Donoghue v Stevenson1, Lord Atkin presumed that we as a whole owe an obligation of care to our â€Å"neighbors†, which means those people who we ought to have as a main priority when we are mulling over moves that we make as we continue on ahead and private lives. * Neighbor Defined: â€Å"My neighbors are people who are so intently and legitimately influenced by my demonstration that I should sensibly to have them in thought as being so influenced while guiding my psyche to the demonstrations or oversights which are brought in question†. Predictability: For an activity in carelessness to succeed, it must be predictable that the demonstration (or exclusion) of the respondent could make hurt the offended party. We will compose a custom paper test on Contextual investigation of Negligence or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now The test is one of â€Å"reasonable foreseeability†, which is a â€Å"objective†. * Proximity: There must be some connection between the gatherings for the obligation to exist. At the end of the day, nearness that expects care to be taken must exist. Application: As Tony was having the medical procedure in the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery, in this way, whatever will happen dependent on the medical procedure, it ought to be the obligation of care of the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery. Be increasingly explicit, David is utilized there as a full-time dental specialist and he was the person who joined the counterfeit teeth by solid dental paste rather than the way which suggested by driving dental specialists. In the event that David didn't change the method of connect the teeth, Tony could never get a serious disease brought about by the strategy for fitting of the counterfeit teeth. End Applying the neighbor guideline and sensible predictability, David or the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery perform owed the responsibility of care of Tony. Also, it is predictable that the demonstration of the litigant, which might be David or the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery, could make hurt the offended party, which is Tony. Penetrating that obligation of care Issue: Does the respondent (David or the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery) break his obligation of care? Rule: * Reasonable individual Standard of care: the standard individual would have anticipated damage in the conditions and would have found a way to forestall it. The respondent will be in break of their obligation if sensible advances are not taken to forestall predictable mischief. The test is a target one â€what a sensible individual thinks. * Weighting test: 1. The probability of injury: If the danger of injury is negligible, there will be no break of the obligation of care. 2. Gravity of injury if happening: The earnestness of any subsequent injury 3. Steps expected to evacuate the hazard: The means required to take out the hazard 4. Advantage (social utility) of the defendant’s direct: The social utility of the defendant’s lead must be weighed against the gravity of the hazard. Application As David’s direct is estimated against the sensible individual who ought to advised Tony there was a hazard to utilize the dental paste . It is conceivable that David get injured from the dental paste and the medical procedure. The gravity of injury is very genuine as his teeth dropped out of the new work area while he was on TV introducing the nightly news. After he returned home his entire mouth was hurting and he whined of extreme torment in the hole left by extraction. For the means to wipe out the hazard, David ought to anticipate the damage which brought about by the dental paste and the conceivable outcome may cause. To wrap things up, there is no advantage (social utility) of the defendant’s direct. Actually, David could move Tony to his other coworker on the off chance that he is curious about with the way which proposed by the main dental specialist. Nonetheless, David decided to do it by utilizing the solid paste which causes all the harm. End Hence, David carried out break the responsibility of care of Tony as he was the sensible individual who ought to predict the harm and it is anything but difficult to kill the harm. Misfortune OR DAMAGE FOLLOING FROM BREACH OF DUTY Issue Was Plaintiff (Tony)’s harm the immediate consequence of respondent (David or the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery)’ break? Rules * Causation (however for test): But for the lead of respondent, would the harm have been endured? The test was clarified well by Lord Denning in Cork v. Kirby Maclean Ltd (1952) 2 ALL ER 402 at 407 , as follows: If you can say that the harm would not have occurred yet for a specific shortcoming, at that point that deficiency is in actuality a reason for the harm; yet in the event that you can say that the harm would have happened quite recently a similar issue or no flaw, at that point the issue isn't a reason for the harm. On the off chance that there is more than one reason for the harm the â€Å"but for†test will have constrained application. In such case the courts will utilize a â€Å"balance of probabilities’ test in deciding causation. * Remoteness of harm (sensible predictable test, the test is objective) would a sensible individual have anticipated the harm? * Assessment of harms: the point of harms is to remunerate the offended party for the misfortune or harm that spilled out of the defendant’s penetrate of obligation of care owed. Such misfortune or harms is evaluated by the adjudicator hearing the case to remunerate the offended party for their real misfortune as well as for their future potential misfortune also. Application After diagnosing of Tony’s mouth, it was ensured that there was an extreme disease in Tony’s gum that was demonstrated in tests to be brought about by the strategy for fitting of the counterfeit teeth. Indeed, as David chose to utilize the dental paste, rather than the customary strategy that was suggested by the main dental specialist. What's more, David, who is the sensible individual, possessed the obligation of care of Tony. As indicated by the reality, Tony endures assortment of physical harm as well as physiological harm. He got discouraged because of his appearance and loss of work, and is seeing an advocate for treatment who recommended him to go for a vacation. Along these lines, he had endured the clinical and dental cost all out $ 14, 000, loss of wages $ 12,000, and counselling$1,800. Furthermore, the expense of excursion is $ 5,000. End: Therefore, Tony’s harm straightforwardly came about because of David’ penetrate of obligation of care. On the off chance that He in common procedures is fruitful, a cure will be remunerated as pay of dental cost $ 14, 000, loss of wages $ 12,000, and counselling$1,800. What's more, the expense of outing is $ 5,000. Likewise, he could Defenses TO AN ACTION IN NEGLIGENCE Issue Are there any guards accessible to litigant (David or the Bright Smiles Dental Surgery)? Rules Defenses to an activity in carelessness: * Contributory carelessness: It happens where the offended party can be held halfway to fault for the misfortune continued as aftereffect of an inability to take sensible consideration against a predictable danger of injury. This standard has been altered by sculpture in Section 26 of the Wrong Act 1958 3(Vic. ): Where any individual endures harms as the outcome halfway of his own shortcoming and incompletely of the deficiency of some other individual or people, a case in regard of that harm will not be crushed by reason of the flaw of the individual enduring the harm, however the harm recoverable in regard thereof will be decreased to such degree as the court might suspect just and fair having respect to the claimant’s share in the obligation regarding the harm. Intentional suspicion of hazard: if an individual expect the danger of injury deliberately, this is finished protection to a case of carelessness. It is troublesome protection to ascend as it must be demonstrated that the offended party knew about the hazard and acknowledged that chance unreservedly. Application After checking Tony’s x-beams, David extricated the teeth and set up the fake teeth. Be that as it may, David was inexper ienced with the acknowledged strategy for connecting fake teeth suggested by driving dental specialists and rather appended them by method of solid dental paste. Notwithstanding, it was David resolved to utilize the solid dental paste rather than the technique suggested by the main dental specialist. On the opposite side, Tony should make sense of that his technique is not quite the same as the one which suggested by the main dental specialist, and he ought to do some all the more counseling of the new strategy which would have been utilized in his medical procedure. End Therefore, Tony contributed to his harm as he didn't check his new technique which causes the emphasis and further harm. The most effective method to refer to Case Study of Negligence, Free Case study tests
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hip-Hop as Black Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hip-Hop as Black Music - Essay Example The initial scarcely any sections of the book uncover the specific cause of hip-jump which is an amalgamation of rap music, break-moving and spray painting craftsmanship. The social state of New York in the 1970’s assumed an essential job in hip-hop’s start. As indicated by Jeff Chang, the structure of the Cross-Bronx street laid reason for the introduction of hip-jump music. The structure of this street constrained just about 60,000 individuals to migrate to different neighborhoods. In this manner, while the white individuals moved to better places like the Westchester Country, the dark and earthy colored networks withdrew to South Bronx which was destroyed financially. â€Å"Where once high rises or private homes had stood were currently slopes of rubble, enhanced with tore open sacks of spoiling trash that had been flung on them†and however there was an expansion in social lodging in the region, there were scarcely any employments. Practically 80% of the youn g were left jobless. In this way, posses were framed by the American-African and Afro-Caribbean for the most part to rebel against the â€Å"white-gangs†who were at that point present in the area. Subsequently from Chang’s introduction of the chronicled settings it is obvious that inception of this work of art was in the ruined South Bronx zones where â€Å"where a mind boggling frenzy of social and political powers at play during the 1950s, 60s, and mid 70s left the African-American and Hispanic people group scanning for an exit from an existences of destitution, posse overwhelmed wrongdoing, and drugs†.... One of the bases of the music is bigotry. Segregation, loss of occupations, counterfeit guarantees and deindustrialization prepared for the â€Å"gang-culture†. Posses like Black Panthers defended the interests of the blacks and opposed the whites. So also, a few different groups appeared. Puerto Rican progressives and Bronx posses held hands with street pharmacists and other unlawful gatherings against the legislature. Along these lines, bit by bit and in the long run a firm footed solidarity encompassed between the groups. Chang additionally discusses a portion of the notable pioneers and innovators of hip-bounce music who began making their name in these packs. DJ Kool herc was the innovator of hip-bounce music and the most popular DJ in the entire of New York City and was a migrant from Kingston (Chang, pg-69). He made another method of playing music, enlivened by Jamaican sound culture, and turned into an eminent DJ. Similarly, Chang has likewise expounded on the rise of another well known DJ-Afrika Bambaataa who recently drove a pack called Black Spade. Here we can comprehend that the ruined territories facilitated a ton of gatherings where. The gatherings were held as a choice to pack life. Herc made his own music and presented words as per beats, along these lines turning out to be laying reason for rapping. In this way, hip-jump gradually rose as a gathering development where a great many people introduced new music structures. These adolescent who were jobless and devastated gradually built up a character and got hip-jump music. In the following area, Chang depicts the legislative issues related with hip-bounce music. The political climate caused a change of hip-bounce music from a gathering music to an all the more politically slanted artistic expression. The music structure was certainly political as in youth from different national foundations
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Using MindMeister for Creating Awesome Mind Maps
Using MindMeister for Creating Awesome Mind Maps INTRODUCTION TO MIND MAPSMindMeister is an online tool designed to help users create mind maps. It is an easy to use tool that encourages collaboration between two or more people. The program is designed for empowering online brainstorming and creativity sessions. Users can work together via MindMeister’s website or its mobile application to create mind maps.What is a mind map?A mind map is a visual aid that works in the form of a diagram. Many people consider it to be an excellent tool for brainstorming because it helps you remain focused and establish links between different ideas.To begin, you draw a circle in the center of the map and write the primary concept you are thinking about in the circle. As you come up with new ideas based on this concept, you can draw branches away from the center and add the new idea to each branch.A mind map can be as large and complicated as your brain storming session. You can also create a basic mind map with a central concept and key features.T he fact that you can use this tool in so many versatile ways adds to its popularity among students, teachers, businesses, creatives and anyone who has to think creatively and organize information.Who is MindMeister for?MindMeister is for anyone who wants to create a dynamic mind map online. You can create awesome mind maps with only a basic plan that is free of costs. The features that MindMeister includes in its functionality makes the website as dynamic as the tool itself.The main benefit of MindMeister is that users do not need to install software to use the program. All they need is an internet connection and functioning internet browser. Once they are set up, they can even use the mobile applications to brainstorm on the go.FEATURES OF MINDMEISTEROne of the best thing about MindMeister’s service is the number of features that have been integrated into the system. These features help alleviate any worries that users might have the utility of a cloud based mind map.Collaboratio nCollaboration is one of the key features of MindMeister’s system. The site was designed with collaboration in mind. As a result, the site truly succeeds at allowing people to work together on a map.Collaboration happens in real time on MindMeister. All you need to do is invite other people to your mind map through the sharing tool to get started.MindMeister has also integrated a chat function into their collaboration tools. From within the map editor, you can participate in both group and one-on-one chats with your fellow collaborators. All you need to do to begin a chat is to click on the name of another editor of the footer bar of the map. You chat history is saved alongside your map history so that you can reference it later.SharingMindMeister is also built for sharing. The site makes it easy for its users to take their online creations and use them virtually anywhere else. There are three main ways that users share their creations.Users can share their mind maps through e-mai l via the sharing function. They can also invite people to edit their mind maps through this tool.MindMeister allows you to share your creative endeavors on social media. You can promote your maps through Facebook, Twitter and Biggerplate.Finally, you can share your map by making it a public map. Any map you make is private by default but you can change the settings so that the public can view it. When your map is public, it can be viewed by anyone on MindMeister. Public maps also become searchable on Google. MindMeister even integrates SEO to that your maps show up in relevant searches.PresentingAnother great feature of MindMeister is that the site makes it easy to present your mind maps. There are three main ways to present a map you have created onlineIf you are an Apple user, you can connect your iPad or iPhone to your Apple TV device to seamlessly present your maps on your TV. You will need MindMeister’s free iOS app to complete this function.You can create stand-alone slides from your map by using the floating topics tools. This is a great way to focus in on singular ideas or keywords from your mind map.The live broadcast tool allows you to use the MindMeister website to broadcast a slideshow to the collaborators that you have invited to your mind map.Mobile UsageMany users cite that one of the main features of MindMeister is that they can use a fully functional version of MindMeister through the site’s mobile apps. The apps are available on both Android and iOS. The iOS app includes an extra presentation feature in addition to the usual functions of the site.View ChangesMindMeister keeps a full history of the changes made to the map on its servers.This is a great addition to the collaborative tool because you can see what changes were made, where they were made and when they were made. This becomes more and more useful when you have several collaborators.MindMeister’s approach to changes allows you to undo any and all changes made to the mind map. It also includes a playback tool that lets you view the whole evolution of your map from creation to the present day. This tool lets you rediscover your whole thought process.SupportMindMeister offers plenty of support for its users through several channels.The FAQ, help and tutorials provided on the site are well-known for being both thorough and practical. These functions are available to all users who have an account with MindMeister.Paying subscribers have the added benefit of email support from MindMeister. The site promises to respond to all emails in less than 13 hours.StylesYou have several options to make your mind map completely your own. Users have the option of creating different styles for their mind maps. You can also integrate different boundaries for the maps.The different styles available will help you organize your thoughts in different ways. The boundaries will help specific ideas on your map stand out and be noticed.You can even use a color coding system to help organize different topics and ideas.Export MapsThere are several options available for users who want to export their maps. The exporting functions are not complicated and are designed to allow users to export creations with only a few clicks of their mouse.To export your map directly from the map editor, you need to click on the Export button. The button is found in the footer of your map.You can also export your map from the dashboard. To do this, you should click on the advanced map menu and then click export.Exporting your map is available in a huge number of formats including:MindMeisterFreeMindMindjet Mind ManagerXMindMicrosoft WordMicrosoft PowerPointDocument OutlinePDFImage filesMaps can also be embedded into websites and remain interactive.AttachmentsWhen you integrate your MindMeister account with your other accounts at Dropbox, Evernote or Google Drive, you can include the files you store on the cloud in your creative processes.Task ManagementTask management is an unexpec ted but welcome feature of MindMeister. The task management options demonstrate the site’s commitment to being a collaborative tool for educators and businesses.TaskMeister was created by MindMeister to turn your brainstorming project into an intuitive management system. Using TaskMeister allows you to turn your creative ideas into actionable tasks.These tasks can be assigned to a person and given a completion date. It is a great way to make all your ideas into a reality all within one tool.CREATING A MIND MAPOne of the greatest features of using MindMeister is that it is intuitive and easy to use. If you’re not sure what you are doing when you first log-in, you can employ a number of tutorials or step-by-step guides available on MindMeister to help you get started on the right foot.Creating a New Mind MapTo create a new blank map, you will click on the New Mind Map Function and then click on the Blank template. To jump straight to a blank map, hold down the ALT key when you cli ck on New Mind Map.The new map will automatically open in editing mode.When the map opens, you will enter the concept or topic that your map is about. It will then become the title of the map. When you have entered the key topic, you can then press Enter to continue.When you want to begin adding to your map, you can use the ENTER key or the TAB. The TAB key will create child topics that surround the sibling topics.To move an idea away from its original position, drag it from its current location to the desired location with your mouse.Adding Images and IconsAdding images to your mind map is easy. All you need to do is select the topic that you want to add an image or icon to.To add an icon, click on the icon function and then select the desired icon. It will then be inserted into your mind map.To add an image, you have several options. You can choose to upload an image from your hard drive. Alternatively, you can drag an image from your hard drive directly to where you would like it placed on your mind map.You can also use a feature called WunderBild. WunderBild will search Google Images for the most appropriate pictures for your idea.If you are looking for an image that you have already uploaded to MindMeister, you can click on Browse Image Library to find the picture you are looking for.Adding Notes, Links or FilesYou can add notes, links or files to any of the topics on your map. This is a great way to organize all of your information on a certain topic and keep it accessible in one place.If you want to add a note, you simply need to select the topic and then move to the Notes tab to enter your note.If you want to add a link to a topic, you must select the topic you want to add the link to. Then, you must move to the Links tab and enter the link or URL.The process of adding a file is slightly more complicated. To add a file, you must first select the topic. You will then click on the Files tab. After this, you can either click on the + symbol or you can gra b a file from your hard drive and drop it on the topic.MINDMEISTER FOR STUDENTSMind maps have been a major tool in education for several decades. With the encouragement of teachers, students have started to use mind maps to improve the way they organize learning material and the way they study. Using MindMeister has several positive benefits for students on many different levels. Here are just a few of the positive contributions that mind maps can make to the learning process:Mind maps are perfect for taking notes.Instead of writing out linear notes, students can draw a mind map to help them include more information. This is important because most lectures are not given in a truly linear manner. Many lectures will include references to previous lectures as well as references to future lectures or outside topics. When a student uses a mind map instead of traditional notes, they can demonstrate the connection between different topics.Mind maps also help students capture the most impor tant information instead of struggling to write down every detail.Mind maps aid students in memorization.Mind maps are said to help students use several different parts of the brain when they use mind maps. As a result, the brain is more active and alert and this makes it easier to remember the information in the map.Mind maps are great study aids.The visual nature of a mind map makes studying fun. Instead of reading through information and memorizing words, students will be able to engage with the information.Even working on the map will help students remember the information included because they will become more familiar than the content.Students can study for tests in the car, on the train or on the bus because they can access MindMeister from their phones and tablets.Mind maps make it easy to write plot summaries.Writing a summary or analysis of a book or article is easy with mind maps. It is easier to distribute complicated information through a mind map than to write it out i n new sentences.For example: Mind maps are a great tool to use to study Russian literature. If a student is not used to the Russian naming system, they can use a mind map to write out all of the names and nicknames associated with each character in a novel.The collaborative nature of MindMeister makes it great for group projects.The task functions and the chat functions allow students to communicate while planning projects for school or university.When the project is planned, the tasks can be assigned to each respective student.MindMeister is easy to present.MindMeister and mind maps are great for presentations because they are easier to follow than a slide show. Students can point to the idea that they are explaining as they present the topic.It is easier to understand presentations with mind maps because the audience can use the map as a whole to draw connections between topics. This is often difficult to recreate in a slide show or an oral presentation.MINDMEISTER FOR TEACHERSMin dMeister and mind mapping are tools that are great for education as a whole. There are several great benefits that mind maps have for teachers to help organize their day and improve the learning experience for their students.MindMeister is perfect for creating lesson plans that flow.Teachers can use MindMeister to help them put together a lesson plan for a quarter, semester or even a year.Because it is so easy to change, teachers can rearrange their lesson plans easily in the event of cancelled classes or changes in the schedule.Teachers can even share the map with students who can use it as a basic study guide.Mind mapping is great for facilitating class projects.Instead of typing out a linear project handout that is crammed full of details, teachers can create mind maps that makes all of the project information students need visible and accessible.This is a great way to provide students with a clear expectation of the project and help them avoid missing key steps.Mind mapping is g reat for both planning and making presentations.Visual planning makes presentation organization much easier. When all of the details are visible on one page, teachers miss fewer details during the planning stages of their lectures.Teachers can even present their MindMeister map using the presentation tools available online.Mind mapping helps teachers teach critical thinking.The visual nature of MindMeister will help students draw conclusions and think critically. It removes much of the frustration that stems from the confusion of dealing with notes, books, papers and other materials that transmit information in a linear way.MindMeister can be used to play games.Games and quizzes are a great learning tool in any teacher’s arsenal. MindMeister gives great examples and tutorials about how teachers can use their software to encourage students to play educational games.MINDMEISTER FOR BUSINESSMindMeister is perfect for organizing research.Mind mapping is a great organization tool on it s own. MindMeister has created it to allow you to include images, documents and links, so you can finally keep everything you need in one place.MindMeister boosts productivity.MindMeister boosts productivity in a variety of ways. Because it provides a better tool to organize research and has created a truly collaborative platform, the site drives continuous productivity.Productivity continues with MindMeister into the activation and management phases of any project.The platform is perfect for collaborative projects.Workers can now collaborate on projects remotely without any of the worries of other systems.The archive of changes prevents important information from being lost. It also demonstrates what changes were made, when they were made and who made them so that thought processes are easily identified.The archived chat allows collaborators to work only in one space instead of relying on multiple programs.You can transform your planning map into a full blown project management ope ration with MeisterTask.When your project is ready to go, you can assign tasks to collaborators. You can also assign due dates and view completion rates on each task.MINDMEISTER FOR CREATIVESMindMeister is an excellent site for creatives. Many creatives appreciate this tool because they often enjoy thinking visually. The value of MindMeister extends beyond the mind mapping tool and straight into the heart of the creative process. Here are the biggest benefits for writers and designers:WritersWriters can use MindMeister to create timelines. The online tool allows them to shift timelines around simply by dragging and dropping ideas. This removes the confusion of the traditional paper method with its confusing arrows.Writers can add pictures to their ideas to create an experience that is even more visual.Writers can find inspiration from publically available maps on the site.DesignersThe collaborative features of MindMeister are great for designers. Designers can send suggestions to th eir colleagues for opinions and approval. If the colleague suggests any changes, they can be made on the map itself to demonstrate exactly what they mean. There is never any fear of lost work because MindMeister backs up all of the changes to each map in its archive.The sharing features are also ideal for designers. With so many ways to share their mind maps, designers can send their ideas to collaborators, supervisors, clients or even on their design blog or portfolio.WHY USING MIND MAPPING AND MINDMEISTER IS SO EFFECTIVE CONCLUSION © MindMeisterIn this article, youll learn about 1) what mind maps are, 2) the features of MindMeister, 3) how to create a mind map, and 4) how to use MindMeister for students, teachers, creatives, and your business.INTRODUCTION TO MIND MAPSMindMeister is an online tool designed to help users create mind maps. It is an easy to use tool that encourages collaboration between two or more people. The program is designed for empowering online brainstorming and creativity sessions. Users can work together via MindMeister’s website or its mobile application to create mind maps.What is a mind map?A mind map is a visual aid that works in the form of a diagram. Many people consider it to be an excellent tool for brainstorming because it helps you remain focused and establish links between different ideas.To begin, you draw a circle in the center of the map and write the primary concept you are thinking about in the circle. As you come up with new ideas based on this concept, you can draw bra nches away from the center and add the new idea to each branch.A mind map can be as large and complicated as your brain storming session. You can also create a basic mind map with a central concept and key features.The fact that you can use this tool in so many versatile ways adds to its popularity among students, teachers, businesses, creatives and anyone who has to think creatively and organize information.Who is MindMeister for?MindMeister is for anyone who wants to create a dynamic mind map online. You can create awesome mind maps with only a basic plan that is free of costs. The features that MindMeister includes in its functionality makes the website as dynamic as the tool itself.The main benefit of MindMeister is that users do not need to install software to use the program. All they need is an internet connection and functioning internet browser. Once they are set up, they can even use the mobile applications to brainstorm on the go.FEATURES OF MINDMEISTEROne of the best thi ng about MindMeister’s service is the number of features that have been integrated into the system. These features help alleviate any worries that users might have the utility of a cloud based mind map.CollaborationCollaboration is one of the key features of MindMeister’s system. The site was designed with collaboration in mind. As a result, the site truly succeeds at allowing people to work together on a map.Collaboration happens in real time on MindMeister. All you need to do is invite other people to your mind map through the sharing tool to get started.MindMeister has also integrated a chat function into their collaboration tools. From within the map editor, you can participate in both group and one-on-one chats with your fellow collaborators. All you need to do to begin a chat is to click on the name of another editor of the footer bar of the map. You chat history is saved alongside your map history so that you can reference it later.SharingMindMeister is also built for sha ring. The site makes it easy for its users to take their online creations and use them virtually anywhere else. There are three main ways that users share their creations.Users can share their mind maps through e-mail via the sharing function. They can also invite people to edit their mind maps through this tool.MindMeister allows you to share your creative endeavors on social media. You can promote your maps through Facebook, Twitter and Biggerplate.Finally, you can share your map by making it a public map. Any map you make is private by default but you can change the settings so that the public can view it. When your map is public, it can be viewed by anyone on MindMeister. Public maps also become searchable on Google. MindMeister even integrates SEO to that your maps show up in relevant searches.PresentingAnother great feature of MindMeister is that the site makes it easy to present your mind maps. There are three main ways to present a map you have created onlineIf you are an Ap ple user, you can connect your iPad or iPhone to your Apple TV device to seamlessly present your maps on your TV. You will need MindMeister’s free iOS app to complete this function.You can create stand-alone slides from your map by using the floating topics tools. This is a great way to focus in on singular ideas or keywords from your mind map.The live broadcast tool allows you to use the MindMeister website to broadcast a slideshow to the collaborators that you have invited to your mind map.Mobile UsageMany users cite that one of the main features of MindMeister is that they can use a fully functional version of MindMeister through the site’s mobile apps. The apps are available on both Android and iOS. The iOS app includes an extra presentation feature in addition to the usual functions of the site.View ChangesMindMeister keeps a full history of the changes made to the map on its servers.This is a great addition to the collaborative tool because you can see what changes were ma de, where they were made and when they were made. This becomes more and more useful when you have several collaborators.MindMeister’s approach to changes allows you to undo any and all changes made to the mind map.It also includes a playback tool that lets you view the whole evolution of your map from creation to the present day. This tool lets you rediscover your whole thought process.SupportMindMeister offers plenty of support for its users through several channels.The FAQ, help and tutorials provided on the site are well-known for being both thorough and practical. These functions are available to all users who have an account with MindMeister.Paying subscribers have the added benefit of email support from MindMeister. The site promises to respond to all emails in less than 13 hours.StylesYou have several options to make your mind map completely your own. Users have the option of creating different styles for their mind maps. You can also integrate different boundaries for the maps.The different styles available will help you organize your thoughts in different ways. The boundaries will help specific ideas on your map stand out and be noticed.You can even use a color coding system to help organize different topics and ideas.Export MapsThere are several options available for users who want to export their maps. The exporting functions are not complicated and are designed to allow users to export creations with only a few clicks of their mouse.To export your map directly from the map editor, you need to click on the Export button. The button is found in the footer of your map.You can also export your map from the dashboard. To do this, you should click on the advanced map menu and then click export.Exporting your map is available in a huge number of formats including:MindMeisterFreeMindMindjet Mind ManagerXMindMicrosoft WordMicrosoft PowerPointDocument OutlinePDFImage filesMaps can also be embedded into websites and remain interactive.AttachmentsWhen you in tegrate your MindMeister account with your other accounts at Dropbox, Evernote or Google Drive, you can include the files you store on the cloud in your creative processes.Task ManagementTask management is an unexpected but welcome feature of MindMeister. The task management options demonstrate the site’s commitment to being a collaborative tool for educators and businesses.TaskMeister was created by MindMeister to turn your brainstorming project into an intuitive management system. Using TaskMeister allows you to turn your creative ideas into actionable tasks.These tasks can be assigned to a person and given a completion date. It is a great way to make all your ideas into a reality all within one tool.CREATING A MIND MAPOne of the greatest features of using MindMeister is that it is intuitive and easy to use. If you’re not sure what you are doing when you first log-in, you can employ a number of tutorials or step-by-step guides available on MindMeister to help you get started o n the right foot.Creating a New Mind MapTo create a new blank map, you will click on the New Mind Map Function and then click on the Blank template. To jump straight to a blank map, hold down the ALT key when you click on New Mind Map.The new map will automatically open in editing mode.When the map opens, you will enter the concept or topic that your map is about. It will then become the title of the map. When you have entered the key topic, you can then press Enter to continue.When you want to begin adding to your map, you can use the ENTER key or the TAB. The TAB key will create child topics that surround the sibling topics.To move an idea away from its original position, drag it from its current location to the desired location with your mouse.Adding Images and IconsAdding images to your mind map is easy. All you need to do is select the topic that you want to add an image or icon to.To add an icon, click on the icon function and then select the desired icon. It will then be inse rted into your mind map.To add an image, you have several options. You can choose to upload an image from your hard drive. Alternatively, you can drag an image from your hard drive directly to where you would like it placed on your mind map.You can also use a feature called WunderBild. WunderBild will search Google Images for the most appropriate pictures for your idea.If you are looking for an image that you have already uploaded to MindMeister, you can click on Browse Image Library to find the picture you are looking for.Adding Notes, Links or FilesYou can add notes, links or files to any of the topics on your map. This is a great way to organize all of your information on a certain topic and keep it accessible in one place.If you want to add a note, you simply need to select the topic and then move to the Notes tab to enter your note.If you want to add a link to a topic, you must select the topic you want to add the link to. Then, you must move to the Links tab and enter the link or URL.The process of adding a file is slightly more complicated. To add a file, you must first select the topic. You will then click on the Files tab. After this, you can either click on the + symbol or you can grab a file from your hard drive and drop it on the topic.MINDMEISTER FOR STUDENTSMind maps have been a major tool in education for several decades. With the encouragement of teachers, students have started to use mind maps to improve the way they organize learning material and the way they study. Using MindMeister has several positive benefits for students on many different levels. Here are just a few of the positive contributions that mind maps can make to the learning process:Mind maps are perfect for taking notes.Instead of writing out linear notes, students can draw a mind map to help them include more information. This is important because most lectures are not given in a truly linear manner. Many lectures will include references to previous lectures as well as refere nces to future lectures or outside topics. When a student uses a mind map instead of traditional notes, they can demonstrate the connection between different topics.Mind maps also help students capture the most important information instead of struggling to write down every detail.Mind maps aid students in memorization.Mind maps are said to help students use several different parts of the brain when they use mind maps. As a result, the brain is more active and alert and this makes it easier to remember the information in the map.Mind maps are great study aids.The visual nature of a mind map makes studying fun. Instead of reading through information and memorizing words, students will be able to engage with the information.Even working on the map will help students remember the information included because they will become more familiar than the content.Students can study for tests in the car, on the train or on the bus because they can access MindMeister from their phones and tablet s.Mind maps make it easy to write plot summaries.Writing a summary or analysis of a book or article is easy with mind maps. It is easier to distribute complicated information through a mind map than to write it out in new sentences.For example: Mind maps are a great tool to use to study Russian literature. If a student is not used to the Russian naming system, they can use a mind map to write out all of the names and nicknames associated with each character in a novel.The collaborative nature of MindMeister makes it great for group projects.The task functions and the chat functions allow students to communicate while planning projects for school or university.When the project is planned, the tasks can be assigned to each respective student.MindMeister is easy to present.MindMeister and mind maps are great for presentations because they are easier to follow than a slide show. Students can point to the idea that they are explaining as they present the topic.It is easier to understand presentations with mind maps because the audience can use the map as a whole to draw connections between topics. This is often difficult to recreate in a slide show or an oral presentation.MINDMEISTER FOR TEACHERSMindMeister and mind mapping are tools that are great for education as a whole. There are several great benefits that mind maps have for teachers to help organize their day and improve the learning experience for their students.MindMeister is perfect for creating lesson plans that flow.Teachers can use MindMeister to help them put together a lesson plan for a quarter, semester or even a year.Because it is so easy to change, teachers can rearrange their lesson plans easily in the event of cancelled classes or changes in the schedule.Teachers can even share the map with students who can use it as a basic study guide.Mind mapping is great for facilitating class projects.Instead of typing out a linear project handout that is crammed full of details, teachers can create mind map s that makes all of the project information students need visible and accessible.This is a great way to provide students with a clear expectation of the project and help them avoid missing key steps.Mind mapping is great for both planning and making presentations.Visual planning makes presentation organization much easier. When all of the details are visible on one page, teachers miss fewer details during the planning stages of their lectures.Teachers can even present their MindMeister map using the presentation tools available online.Mind mapping helps teachers teach critical thinking.The visual nature of MindMeister will help students draw conclusions and think critically. It removes much of the frustration that stems from the confusion of dealing with notes, books, papers and other materials that transmit information in a linear way.MindMeister can be used to play games.Games and quizzes are a great learning tool in any teacher’s arsenal. MindMeister gives great examples and tu torials about how teachers can use their software to encourage students to play educational games.MINDMEISTER FOR BUSINESSMindMeister is perfect for organizing research.Mind mapping is a great organization tool on its own. MindMeister has created it to allow you to include images, documents and links, so you can finally keep everything you need in one place.MindMeister boosts productivity.MindMeister boosts productivity in a variety of ways. Because it provides a better tool to organize research and has created a truly collaborative platform, the site drives continuous productivity.Productivity continues with MindMeister into the activation and management phases of any project.The platform is perfect for collaborative projects.Workers can now collaborate on projects remotely without any of the worries of other systems.The archive of changes prevents important information from being lost. It also demonstrates what changes were made, when they were made and who made them so that thoug ht processes are easily identified.The archived chat allows collaborators to work only in one space instead of relying on multiple programs.You can transform your planning map into a full blown project management operation with MeisterTask.When your project is ready to go, you can assign tasks to collaborators. You can also assign due dates and view completion rates on each task.MINDMEISTER FOR CREATIVESMindMeister is an excellent site for creatives. Many creatives appreciate this tool because they often enjoy thinking visually. The value of MindMeister extends beyond the mind mapping tool and straight into the heart of the creative process. Here are the biggest benefits for writers and designers:WritersWriters can use MindMeister to create timelines. The online tool allows them to shift timelines around simply by dragging and dropping ideas. This removes the confusion of the traditional paper method with its confusing arrows.Writers can add pictures to their ideas to create an expe rience that is even more visual.Writers can find inspiration from publically available maps on the site.DesignersThe collaborative features of MindMeister are great for designers. Designers can send suggestions to their colleagues for opinions and approval. If the colleague suggests any changes, they can be made on the map itself to demonstrate exactly what they mean. There is never any fear of lost work because MindMeister backs up all of the changes to each map in its archive.The sharing features are also ideal for designers. With so many ways to share their mind maps, designers can send their ideas to collaborators, supervisors, clients or even on their design blog or portfolio.WHY USING MIND MAPPING AND MINDMEISTER IS SO EFFECTIVE CONCLUSIONMind mapping is an incredibly effective tool for anyone who needs to think critically or creatively. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a creative or anyone who needs to plan a project, using a mind map can help you get through the plann ing stages faster.Why are mind maps so effective? Because they help you organize all of your thoughts on a concept in a visual way. It removes the need for confusing arrows, footers and notes written in margins. It also helps you see the bigger picture.Scientists suggest that when you use a mind map, you have to use more areas of your brain. This kind of radiant thinking not only helps you make connections faster but it helps you develop further ideas on the subject.Because your brain is so actively involved in the process, you are able to remember what you learned or created. This is better than the pure memorization of facts because it helps you remember the connections you made and makes memorization part of the greater learning process.MindMeister has capitalized on the benefits of mind mapping and has even improved them dramatically. Their online tool makes drawing a mind map easier than ever. The collaboration and integration features make it the perfect way to create awesome mind maps in any scenario.Image credit: MindMeister.
Monday, June 22, 2020
Living and Dying By the Code of the West - Personality Counts - Literature Essay Samples
Most novelists do not kill off half of the characters in their book to prove a point, but this one does. The tragic, bloody deaths in the novel only enforce the fact that the West was wild and could not be conquered by any one human, no matter how muchexperience or knowledge that person had. Larry McMurtry wrote the western Lonesome Dove to show (contrary to some romantic myths) how harsh and bloody the untamed West was. The bravest and most moral person could die just as tragically as the ignorant coward. This novel displays how people conduct themselves in different situationsaccording to their personality traits.The best-developed characters in Lonesome Dove display distinct personalities. Jake Spoon, Augustus Gus McCrae, and Woodrow Call used to be Texas Rangers, fighting together for the common good of making the West safer to populate. They separated over time, but the novel begins when they reunite later in their lives. At Jakes suggestion, the three round up some friends and decide to go on a three-thousand-milecattle drive from Lonesome Dove, Texas, to the highlands of Montana. Jake persuades his friends to go on the drive by telling them of the paradise to be found on the rich and unsettled frontier. The description of the scenery might be accurate, but the death and suffering that occur over the course of the journey are anything but paradise for thecowboys. The ways the characters deal with the deaths are shaped by their personalities. After young Sean OBrien, the first casualty during the journey to Montana, is killed by snakes, Gus pronounces over the grave, Dust to dust [. . .] Lets the rest of us go on to Montana (McMurtry 307). To him, death is a legitimate, tolerable, and rational part of the Western landscape(Shadroui). It is something from which Gus can quickly recover, but a character such as Call may mull over it for days, the thought of death nagging at his brain. Though they have differing ways of dealing with stresses, the ex-Rangers sh are acommon trait: restlessness. They all have a reluctance to settle down and make a solid home. The three feel a need to maintain interest and meaning in life.One major character in Lonesome Dove is Woodrow Call. Call has a more dominating nature than any of the other main characters. He is practical yet aloof(Bakker 221). Call is a leader, but he cannot express or discuss deep feelings with other men. His way of coping with an emotional situation is to spend the night alone, away from the campfire. Call fears his emotions, wishes to forget that he sired a sonthrough the young prostitute Maggie, and refuses to acknowledge his ties to other humans (Etulain 144). The secret of Calls leadership ability is that he never hesitates. He understands that most men doubt their abilities, so they follow those who have no doubts. He also has no sympathy for this doubt, or for any other human weakness(Bakker 225). Call cannot even imagine what it is like to be scared, an inability Gus attribut es to the one thing Call seems to lack: imagination (Bakker 225). He administers law and rules, upholds the Code of the West, and, if necessary, executes those who threaten the safety and peace of the frontier. Yet he claims he is not a lawman. Anyhow, I aint going there to law. Im going there to run cattle. Jake said it was acattlemans paradise (McMurtry 84). Though Call may not know it, he is paving the way for all other people who come north. He believes he is only leading a herd of cattle, but what he really is doing is opening the frontier for new inhabitants. Call has a traditional view toward the untamed West extension of white mans mission to conquer and cultivate(Bakker 236). Call does not see the great injustice done to the Indians as Gus does. Still, Call is fair to Indians, even when one kills his friend Deets. He killed the Indian that killed Deets, but he does not take revenge on the starving, confused Indian tribe.Realizing that they stole the horses to ward off impe nding starvation, he leaves them four of the animals(Bakker 237). He kills only violent Indians to protect others. Calls domineering nature ensures frontier peace, but causes death. He will kill as many people as he has to in order to protect other people the pioneers whom he believes have more right to the area than the Indians do. Call seems to think that the end justifiesthe means.A second important character in Lonesome Dove is Augustus McCrae. He is the romantic, the comedian, the humane and accommodating cowboy. When the novel has humor, it usually comes from Gus, who loves to hear himself talk. McMurtry has made him a man who is generous, cheerful, humorous, and, although not without some vanity, totally devoid of any form of pettiness (Bakker 223). In contrast to Calls stoicism and fear of women, Guss gift for accommodation and ability to connect with others in a positive way makes him a paradigm of the power of demonstrative love. Nowhere is this more evident than in the m anner in which he saves Lorena and nurses her back to emotional and physical health following her capture by Blue Duck (Jones 42). His reason, he says, for going on the journey is to help establish a few more banks and to open the West to Sunday school teachers and bankers(McMurtry 83). The perpetually talkative egotist really goes on the cattle drive to fight his greatest enemy: boredom. He knew the drive was folly that is what attracted him. Gus was meant to cross dangerous rivers, survive stampedes, blizzards, and deserts, and fight outlaws. Gus admits that he enjoys a traveling lifestyle: I cant think of nothing better than riding a fine horse into a new country. Its exactly what I was meant for (McMurtry 744). When he finally reaches Montana, he says he would not have missed any of it. After enforcing the Code of the West and making the West more hospitable for white settlers and business people, he realizes that the West will get boring again. By killing all the bandits and I ndians, by conquering the romantic myth of the West, he and his friends took away what made this country interesting to begin with (McMurtry 349). The more fights they win, the more boring their lives will become after the excitement of such battles is gone. Gus believes (contrary to Calls belief of domination) that the West is one of thelast unspoiled and unpolluted regions on earth, ruined by the arrival of whites. Gus also contradicts his partners opinion in that he thinks the land belongs to the Indians, and that accommodations should be made for the native people. Augustus is keenly aware of the great injustice done to the Indians by the whites (Bakker 236). When Call asks a dyingGus what should be done with the Indians who gave him his death wound, Gus replies, They didnt invite us dont be vengeful (McMurtry 785). Gus sympathizes with the plight of others be it the helplessness of women or newcomers to the country or area,like Lorena, or the Irish immigrants who go on the ca ttle drive with Gus. He feels compassion for the Indians who are being pushed out of their homeland, and for the settlers who are being easily picked off by bandits. Guss peaceful allowances toward different groups and their ways of life maintain peace in a less bloody way than Callsoxymoronic kill for peace method.Jake Spoon is another main character in McMurtrys novel. Jake is a dashing ladies man; life almost always goes his way. All Jake asked for in life was a clean saloon to gamble in, a pretty whore to sleep with, and whiskey to drink (Bakker 222). Though Jake seems like a young, dauntless hero, he really was the weakest morally of thethree. Jakes strongest point is imitativeness (Bakker 222). Around Gus and Call, he became as good a Ranger as either of them had been. But Jake dies a horse thief and murderer because he was too indulgent, lazy and weak to stick to the moral behavior he knows he should have maintained. Major problems arise when Jake starts drifting fromthe herd , when he decides not to join his Ranger friends at the campsite. Jake, whose idea the drive was in the first place, refuses to work the herd as it heads north, but in a move to continue to enjoy protection from his old Ranger comrades, he follows along at adistance with Lorena, who he promised to take to San Francisco but for whom he has no real affection for at all (Jones 144). Jakes negligence of his cattle drive duties and his failure to protect Lorena mark the beginning of his downfall. Jake begins to gamble and drink more heavily than before. Without the other Rangers around to keep him on theright path, he drifts away from the moral standards he once followed. While Jake is partying in the towns, Lorena is abducted and Gus must rescue her from a dangerous situation that leaves her scarred for life. Jakes uncaring and weak nature contrasts drastically with Guss steadfast loyalty, patience, and strength. Gus is the one who nursesLorena back to health after he risks his life to save her. Jake lacks the will to break free of the sinful natures of those he chose to follow. This makes Jake an accomplice to a number of senseless thefts and murders he neither approved of nor wanted to participate in. Ironically, Jakes death is issued from the Ranger code of justice which the three Rangers together used to fight to uphold (Jones 41). McMurtry makes his characters human not the exaggerated heroes in romance or myth, but neither are reduced to a level that seems ordinary (Reilly 99). The characters suffer and die like any human would. They make mistakes, even fatal ones, that lead to their deaths or the deaths of their friends. Even Call, the cowboy ideal, showsmortal flaws: giving in to lust, getting lost, or reacting too slowly during an attack on his men. McMurtry shows how seasoned men can fall prey to situations beyond their control. Even an experienced man, riding into such a mess of snakes, wouldnt have survived. It only went to show what he already knew, which was that there were more dangers in lifethan even the sharpest training could anticipate (McMurtry 306). McMurtry contrasts the morality of Call with the weakness of Jake, who cannot even disapprove of or try to stop the most blatant of sins. None of the three Rangers can be placed on a pedestal of heroism and valor; each shows his mortal nature in his sins, mistakes, and even in death.The men, like any other humans, are trying to get as much satisfaction out of life as they can. The American West was to them a place a man could live without constantly submitting to systems. The West represented mans tireless effort to fill the void of existence with meaning, a meaning that became problematic again the moment thegeographical void he entered was filled (Bakker 239).The characters in Lonesome Dove conduct themselves differently in situations according to their personality traits. The West provided them the freedom to act however they wanted. One could be a moral enforcer of the Codes of the West exterminating anything that threatened freedom and peace. One could lead others in overcoming the West and making it more accessible for others and their way of life.Bandits and outlaws could pillage and get rich easily until the Code of the West was executed upon them. Personality and personal characteristics can lead one person to become a strong soldier or another to become a weak coward. The effects that ones character have on ones life are evident in Lonesome Dove. Many different types of people are needed for building a strong society; not everyone can have the same strengths. People used their different characteristics to conquer the West. Our Forefathers had civilization inside themselves, the wild outside. We live in the civilization they created, but within us the wilderness still lingers(Whipple Lonesome Dove 1).Works CitedBakker, J. The Role of the Mythic West in some Representative Examples of Classic andModern American Literature. Lewiston: The Ed win Mellen Press, 1991. 219-239Etulain, Richard W. Telling Western Stories. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999. 142-148Jones, Roger Walton. Larry McMurtry and the Victorian Novel. College Station; Texas AM University Press, 1994. 29-43McMurtry, Larry. Lonesome Dove. New York: Pocket Books, 1985. 1-945Reilly, John Marsden. Larry McMurtry: A Critical Companion. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000. 87-114Shadroui, George. Larry McMurtry and the Death of Storytelling. 18 Feb 2002. 14 April 2002.
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